
用so…that造句并翻译造10个,less than造句

用sothat造句子 2023-12-10 13:13 925 墨鱼

用so…that造句并翻译造10个,less than造句

1 He is so clever that all the teachers like him 他是如此聪明以至于老师们都喜欢他2 He is so kind that all the students like1. so…that 从句结构中,so 后面跟的中心词为形容词或副词;两种构成:① so + adj. + that从句如此……以至于……用法:引导结果状语从句例:He is so excellent that every t

用so that造句并翻译造10个

1. so that 引导目的状语从句,意为“以便;为了”,相当于in order to/so as to.常放于句中,但是in order to常放于句首或句中,so as to常放于句末。eg: Xiao Hua studies hard so1、she is so angry that her kitty spilted the milk on the table.她很生气,因为她的小猫把牛奶溅到桌子上。2、L

用so that造句子并翻译

1、用sothat怎么造句。2、sothat和sothat造句。3、somuchthat造句。4、用sothat造句简单初二水平。以下内容关于《怎样用sothat造句用sothat造句并解释1、He has so many books that I can’t count them.他有很多书,我数也数不清。2、There was so much food that we couldn’t eat it all.食物太多了,我们吃不


29、He went early so that he got a good seat.他走得很早,结果占了个好座位。30、She was so happy that she danced.她高兴地跳起舞来。冉老师有话说:句子是用so……that……引导的结果状语从句。Be动词是典型的连系动词,所以so后面接的是形容词angry“生气的”。So……that……翻译成“如此……以至于……”) 三.补

用so that造句以及中文

It was such a boring speech that i feel asleep. (那是一个如此无聊的演讲,以至于我都睡着了。I read more books so that i can catch up with my classmates. (我读更多It was such a boring speech that i feel asleep. (那是一个如此无聊的演讲,以至于我都睡着了。I read more books so that i can catch up with my classmates. (我读更多


标签: less than造句



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