
fill with造句,be filled with和be full of

last持续造句简单 2023-06-11 14:24 510 墨鱼

fill with造句,be filled with和be full of

4. fill…with用……装满,be filled with 充满了……be full of 充满了①be filled with 说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。例如:The box is fill21、I used to lie on the couch and my eyes wouldfill withtears as they had their naps. 22、His eyesfill withtears and his hair stops blowing and he

fill with造句复制1、Your eye begins tofill withtears.(你的眼睛开始充满泪水。2、His eyesfill withtears and his hair stops blowing and he crushes his pink glass单词fill with 例句大全,用单词fill with造句:Fill withdry food, Daiyu San clear, accumulated bitbit, and conditions are ripe. 饱带干粮,晴带雨伞,点滴积累,水到渠成。

用fill with造句子1.Your eye begins to fill with tears.(你的眼睛开始充满泪水。11.I turn from my work and my eyes fill with the mist.(我放下活计眼里fill with的造句和例句:1. She was filled with fury and could not speak .她气得连话也说不出来。2. He was filled with horror at the sight .他看见那种光景就吓得发抖

fill…with 用……装满;be filled with 充满了……be full of 充满了①be filled with 说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。例如:the box is fifill with造句fill with造句1. She filled the glass with water, then handed it to me. 2. I filled the room with joy when I heard the good news. 3. The closet was f

i fill the bottle with water 我往瓶子装水用A把B填满。eg. he filled the bag with snacks. 他在包里塞满零嘴。fill sth. with sth给…充满。fill sth. with


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