
用makesure造句,more quickly造句

用cutout造句 2023-12-15 11:05 120 墨鱼

用makesure造句,more quickly造句

Make sure you do this.一定要做到这一点。Let's go back and make sure.要继续工作了I want to make sure to avoid.我想确保避免Make sure it doesn't get any bigger.别让他肿得更大Make sure they are the one a

好了,用英语如何表达“口头确认”呢?翻译成make sure by mouth,那就错得离谱!一般都说confirm sth verbally,重点在于单词verbally,大家用得比较少,它表示“口头上的”。一般也用被I need to makesurethat you're all-in, Henry. 确信你是全身心投入Please makesurethat your seatbelts are fastened. You're asking me to letdownpeople who trust me. The ban

o(?""?o 4.make fun of 取笑某人Don't make fun of me 不要取笑我。Don't make fun of the disabled! 不要戏弄残疾人!5.make sentences 造句Make Sentences with eamake sure造句1、I make sure I make time for fishing because it's how I de-stress. 我一定会腾出时间去钓鱼,因为这是我减压放松的方法。2、Make sure you are strapped

make sure造句复制1、make surethe edges are glued down.(一定要把边缘粘牢。2、make sureyou cut the bread nice and thick.(你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的。3、make s用make sure造句越短越好相关知识点:试题来源:解析Make sure everything is ready.确保一切都准备好了.Let me just make sure.让我确定一下.Make sure you do this.一定

28、First,make sureyou are getting a good buy by shopping around before you make a decision. 29、We hope G20 member states could make joint efforts t◆No matter how hard we have,we must make sure to give the enough money to our son. 无论我们有多么的辛苦,我们一定要给儿子足够的钱用。◆She looked around to make sure


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