

besides的意思中文翻译 2023-12-18 17:19 336 墨鱼


I've got no familybesidesmy parents. 除了父母,我没有其他亲人。牛津词典We have lots of things in commonbesidesmusic. 除了音乐,我们还有很多共通点。牛津词典Besid【文章摘要】优选网告诉你英语单词besides是什么意思,besides的翻译,besides的读音,besides的用法,besides同/反义词,含义音标以及英文造句等内容,中英文对照在

14、he has,besides, a son, a lieutenant in the army; 15、Andbesides yes, the younger Rostov is very charming. 16、I wish that as human beings the英文例句大全为您提供besides英文例句大全,词语besides造句,关于besides的句子,besides怎么造句,besides英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于besides,besides的句子,besides如

⊙△⊙ discounts on televisions, stereos and much more besides 对电视、立体声音响设备以及很多其他货品的折扣来自牛津词典2. I don't really want to go. Besides, it's too 中文翻译与英英解释adv.加之,更,又,还有,而且;另外。I am too tired to go, (and) besides, it is late. 我不去了,太累啦,而且时候又晚了。They had a roof over their he

Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.此外,我要你答应我一件事。What has he done, besides reading the paper?除了看报,他还做了什么?He had other peop1. I think she has many good qualitiesbesidesbeing very beautiful. 我觉得她不但长得非常漂亮,而且还有很多优秀品质。来自柯林斯例句2. There was only one personbesi

10、besides, this place is especially popular with the overseas students.(此外,这个地方特别受留学生的欢迎。11、besides, French food is world-famous.(此外,法国菜1.(表示排斥)除…之外(还有) = in addition to ;He had other people to take care of besides me.除了我以外,他还需要照料其他人。副词adv.1.除…之外,还…


标签: 用except造句



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