
come to造句,come的短语高中

用come造句子 2023-12-04 21:44 832 墨鱼

come to造句,come的短语高中

You'll come to understand me. 你会理解我的。She came to realize that she was stupid. 她开始意识自己的愚蠢。I came to apologize to you. 我是来向你道..e to造句31、Good thingscome tothose who believe, better thingscome tothose who are patient, and the best thingscome tothose who don't give up. 32

1.I dare say that young man will never come to much.我敢说哪个年轻人不会有什么出息的。2.The concert didn’t come to our expectation.音乐会没有我们期望的那么好。单词come to 例句大全,用单词come to造句:Tocome toan abrupt halt stop. 突然中断停止All good thingscome tocone to anend. 人生无不散之筵席。They hadcome tothe hote

come to造句复制1、How do youcome tobe so late?(你怎么这么晚? 2、Good, I think we'vecome toa decision.(好的,我们就这样决定吧。3、We hadcome toa dead end in ou..e to something的造句和例句:1. We've come to something when the workers turned down the offer of a ten percent pay increase 我们向工人们提出加10%的薪水,可他们

单词come to an end 例句大全,用单词come to an end造句:The curtain dropped. The first act had come to an end.幕落,第一幕结束。The curtain dropped.The first act h..e on to造句1、This soap have justcome on tothe market. 2、If she hadcome on tohis compartment she would have seen him. 3、He said you need to v


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