
horse 怎么读音发音,girl的读音和音标

Beebo英语怎么读 2023-08-19 16:40 682 墨鱼

horse 怎么读音发音,girl的读音和音标

1.2.3 辅音字母读音规则字母发音举例b [b] book big c [k](在一般情况下读[k]) cat cake [s](在e, i, y前读[s]) cent city cycle d [d] dog desk f [f] fl y fi ne g [ɡ]( Thehorseproceeded at a walk. 马儿慢慢前进. 《简明英汉词典》Thehorseis tied up to the manger. 马被拴在马槽上. 《现代英汉综合大词典》Thehorsedashed onward. 那匹马

horse 基本词汇英[hɔːs]美[hɔːrs] n.马vt.骑马adj.马的Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计马骑马马的过去式:horsed过去分词:horsed现在分词horse 读音音标:英[hɔːs]  美[hɔːrs]n. 马vt. 骑马adj. 马的用法示例如下:1、用作名词(n.)He withdrew his horse from the race

horse怎么读音发音音标(house怎么读) horse怎么读音发音音标都一样,所以很多人都认为这个单词是同一个字母的发音。不过,其实这个单词的发音是不一样的,因为它的发音是“f”,而不单词发音:英[ hɔːs ] 美[ hɔːrs ] 基本解释:马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马horse 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.)马名词(n.)骑马的军人,骑兵名词(n.)有脚的

horse: [OE] The Germanic languages have gone their own way as far as the horse is concerned. The prehistoric Indo-European term for the animal was *ekwos, which produced Latin equus horse 英[hɔːs] 美[hɔrs]n. 马;骑兵;脚架;海洛因vt. 使骑马;系马于;捉弄vi. 骑马;作弄


标签: girl的读音和音标



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