
用in favor of造句,afraid

in spite of 2023-12-15 22:47 756 墨鱼
in spite of

用in favor of造句,afraid

(°ο°) The company is in favor of hiring more diverse employees.(公司支持雇用更多不同背景的员工。)The judge ruledin favor of:英[ɪn ˈfeɪvə ɒv]、美[ɪn ˈfeɪvər əv];意思:有

in favor of例句用作形容词(adj.) We favor a sporting solution of the problem.我们赞成堂堂正正解决这个问题。Oh, good, I am very much in favor of your proposal.哦,解析in favor of + n 或者doing sth adj.:赞成,支持,有利于例子:Are you in favor of his opinion? 你会赞成他的意见吗?加油加油加油分析总结。扫码下载作业帮拍照答

in favor of 网络解释1. 支持,赞成:in general 一般来说,大体上| in favor of 支持,赞成| in front of 面对,在前2. 赞成:131. be blamed for被责备| 132. in favor oin favour of造句in favour of造句1、I'm in favour of the idea that everyone should have the right to express their own opinions. Everyone should have the right to

2、He was passed overin favour ofa younger man.(他未被擢升,却提拔了一个比他年轻的人。3、He concluded from their remarks that they were notin favour ofthe plan.(in favor of + n 或者doing sth adj.:赞成,支持,有利于例子:Are you in favor of his

5、But right now I'm very muchin favor of continuing.(不过我现在很有兴趣坚持下去。6、They were allin favor of the good tasting beans even though they didn't gro25、He rejected an objective understanding of color,in favor ofa more subjective understanding. 26、With strong economic strength, so that a variety


标签: afraid



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