
dear john歌词翻译,John的中文名

春岚john歌曲 2023-12-26 19:00 511 墨鱼

dear john歌词翻译,John的中文名

求taylor swift的dear john歌词和中文翻译~~ Long were the nights / 那些夜晚好漫长When my days once revolved around you / 而那些白天都绕着你飞转Counti这些女人给原来的情人写的绝交信,往往都以“Dear John”来称呼对方,信的开头一般也是固定的:“我已经找到了我的另一半,但他不是你。所以我想我们还是分开的好。”对浴血奋战的战士

1、《Dear John》歌词如下:关上门一个人行李上车将心情化妆成初恋的快乐我要我为自己找回自我找到些什么铃声响Dear John(口语)在电话那头你说话很温Be likeBe like you When you give me all the light 回声乐团-Dear John 作曲:Echo填词:Echo lrc歌词编辑:闫江超岁月的哨音正催促我寻找遗忘的感动年少轻

ˇ﹏ˇ Dear John / 亲爱的约翰I see it all now that you're gone / 你走以后,我才看透Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? / 你是觉得我还太小,还dearjohn歌词dearjohn歌词dear john歌词  Be likeBe like you   When you give me all the light   是否能让我  Be likeBe like you   When you give me all th

Dear John - Pat Boone (帕特·布恩) 以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供Dear John (Dear John) 亲爱的约翰Oh how I hate to write 我多么讨厌写信Dear John (DearDear John, 亲爱的John I see it all now that you're gone 我现在看清了你已彻底离开Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? 难道你不觉得我当时太年轻不应该


标签: John的中文名



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