
of the people for the people,thepeople

forthepeople资源 2023-09-24 20:42 772 墨鱼

of the people for the people,thepeople

课文的最后一句是of the people, by the people and for the people,读起来老带劲了。这句话出自林肯的《葛底斯堡演讲》原文是:“this nation, under God, s原文:by the people,of the people,for the people。美国翻译:人民的,站在人民一边的,为了人民的。中国翻译:民治!民享!民有!标签:经典对白连续剧台词台词英语名言走向共和

为人民服务的人民的文化第四种定义把大众文化看作是“为人民服务的人民的文化”(culture of the people for the people)。这个定义强调大众文化是“人…worlduc|基"We are the Games for all Asian people, in all countries and regions. So the Asian Games are open to all NOC members of the OCA," he said. "This means our Games a

梁启超认为林肯所说的“of the people,for the people,by the people”,中国古代政治学说只研究了前两个,所以虽然讲究民为邦本、政在养民,却始终没有做到“by t必应词典,为您提供of-the-people-by-the-people-for-the-people的释义,用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。

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