

更造句 2023-06-11 18:18 939 墨鱼


单词zigzag 例句大全,用单词zigzag造句:zigzagfeed 锯齿形送料zigzagchute. 折线形料槽zigzagcleavage 锯齿形劈理zigzagflutings 锯齿形柱面凹槽饰纹zigzagendpaper. 折95. We had to proceed at high speed and by zigzag. 我们必须高速度地行驶,而且要曲折前进。-- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(10) 差评() 96. The material describes

╯△╰ zigzagua的造句和例句:1. Avec Bowman à la grand voile, Kestrel au foc et Mumpo en haut du mat avec une gaffe à la main pour repousser les vaisseaux ennemis, la 弯弯曲曲造句写一句话简单的(1)、雪越下越大,渐渐模糊了我的视野,慢慢地,整个世界变白了。弯弯曲曲的小路上,光秃秃的树枝上,高高低低的屋顶上,都铺上了一床厚

zigzag造句1、And the mountains are very dangerous zigzag roads and so he or she can only go very slowly.群山很危险,到处是曲折的路,人只能慢慢走。2、The passage an19、Thezigzagstitch allows the fabric to stretch after the stitching is completed. 20、My own figure has become long and terrible. On the uneven san

Zig Zag造句复制1、It is suitable in the design of general fuze zig-zag devices and has a guiding significance when analysing accidents caused by misfiring of fu造句:Could you look at this graph, what a zigzag!Zigzag的英文解释:a line or pattern that looks like a Z or a row of Zs joined togethera situation in which actions, p

●^● A creekzigzagsamong hills. 溪山清旷。History moves inzigzagsand by roundabout ways. 历史的发展是曲折的,迂回的。英文例句大全为您提供zigzags英文例句大全,zigzagszigzagger的造句和例句:1. His first collection of short stories, " Zigzagger ", was published in 2003. 2. The zigzagger's foot has longitudinal grooves on its und


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