
just for you歌词,justforfun的隐晦

Just for love翻译成中文 2023-08-27 18:17 277 墨鱼
Just for love翻译成中文

just for you歌词,justforfun的隐晦

歌词编辑:阿源︿☆Just For You☆︿演唱:林志炫每年深秋我总要说Happy Birthday 祝福你而这首歌Just For You 这是为你写的歌在我们不再是恋人的多年以Just For You 梦想永远逗留你心内永远伴你走一生爱到尽头情像醇旧美酒Just For You 愿一切困或愁为你飘走来日岁月I Love You 来日岁月I Love You Just For You 『歌

I picked the reddest apple from the treeIt was the finest one that I could seeI saved it all except a bite or two , just for you我从树上摘下最红的苹果这Just For You歌词歌手:林志炫Just For You作词:李骥作曲:李骥每年深秋我总要说Happy Birthday 祝福你而这首歌Just For You这是为你写的歌在我们不再是恋人的多年以后我试着

Just For You - 周渝民词:李焯雄曲:纪佳松从不说你的期待对我你只会关怀我需要你会在你的手永远张开比这世界还要大但我却要离开尽管没说出来今天我明白你眼神从无例外Just for you. Someday I'll be grown up too. And if I can I'll grow up just like you. I ate up all my lunch just like you said But I think there was a little too much bread. And so I


标签: justforfun的隐晦



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