

警察英文造句 2023-12-20 11:38 775 墨鱼


police 造句/ 例句1. Thepolicetrailed Dale for days. 警方跟踪了戴尔多日。《牛津词典》2. He eluded thepolicefor 13 years. 他躲了警察13年。《柯林斯英汉双解大词2、police suspect a local gang.(警方怀疑当地的一个不良帮派。3、Thepolice caught him speeding.(警察发现他超速行驶。4、This place is crawling withpolice.(这个地

9. The police were alerted of a suspicious package near the school. 10. The police escorted the VIP guests to and from the event.。police station造句简单police 26、One helicopter can cover the work of 30 police cars and 100 policemen, a trafficpolicemantold the newspaper. 27、Today, when I walk on the stree

∪▽∪ 1、policeprocedural 2、Thepolicework at thatpolicestation. 3、Summon thepolicequickly! 4、denunciation to thepolice 5、cordon ofpolice 6、Joe: Yup,ppolice造句如下:1、Her disappearance has baffledpolice.她的失踪令警方大为困惑。2、police suspect a local gan

在前面的文章中,我们学习了英文中简单句的造句方法,也就是5大基本句型。今天,我们来看看英语中最简单的复杂句,并列句。一、简单句vs 复杂句首先,我们要知道的是,句子短不等于简单词Police 例句大全,用单词Police造句:Thepolicemay question the witnesses of this accident. 警方也许会就这起事件对目击者进行审问。A circle ofpolicement stood dum

∪^∪ police造句1. The police were called to the scene of the accident to investigate. 2. The police officer asked for my identification before letting me into the bui4、in England they call a police station a police office. 5、Where can I find the police station? 6、Can you find the police station? 7、the police s


标签: brave造句简单



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