

hundreds of造句简单 2023-12-31 10:23 859 墨鱼
hundreds of造句简单


28、Inter-racial marriages havebecomecommonplace.(不同种族间的通婚已经变得很常见。29、He hasbecomemore moralistic.(他变得更喜欢说教了。become基本释义become 1.There are many loversandthey become strangers finally(并列连词)2.There are many loverswho becom

∩﹏∩ I want to become cleverer.我要变得更聪明⑤Lin Dan could not have become an Olympic champion if he had given up when he were confronted with challenges. ⑥Reading can increase our contentment when we are cheer

imagine造句简单而短imagine造句如下:1、I can't imagine it! 2、If you can imagine! 3、Yes, I can imagine. 4、I imagine now open. 5、Imagine I can imagine the scene clebecome estranged 失和;疏远;双方不再和睦相处Become much好为人师become thin落膘;成为瘦;变薄;成为薄Become difficult步履艰难become damp 发潮33412小时前发布一用英语造

短语become of 发生; 情况; 发生于; 降临Become apparent 表面化; 表面化; 艺术表面化become separated 分开become reconciled 和解; 和好如初; 息争而归和平; I become a good person. 这里,am和become,分别可翻译成“是”和“为”,因此是主系表结构。当然,这个方法并不具备普适性。总的来说,英语中的系动词一共分为4大类:be动词状态保持

become造句1、We need to become critical text-readers.(我们需要成为批判性的文本阅读者。2、Elderly people easily become socially isolated.(上了年纪的人很容易变得I 冬季白天变得较短。become的过去式(become的过去式造句) (1)与形容词和ill连用,也可以用在l,,等过去分词的前面。它不像那样正式。I v.天越来越黑了。非正式) < day.你越来越年


标签: parents造句简单带翻译



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