

let什么情况下加to 2023-11-20 20:52 880 墨鱼


可以用的:sure OK alright/all right cool (非正式的) 不能说yes.Let's引导的英语句型举例讲解!例如:Let's wash the lettuce.咱们来洗生菜吧.例如:Let's stir the soup.咱们来搅拌一下汤吧.例如:Let's eat rice.咱们吃米饭吧.例如:Let's pour

let’s句型及其回答Let's talk about healthy lifestyle! 1. Let's start with the basics, what are some simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle? - Well, you can Let's开头的英语提建议句子let's go for a walk 22001 在Let's开头的句子中,附加疑问句用反义疑问句用shall we?比如:Let's go to the park, shall we? 32671 用Let's造4句句子

1 ? ??? a ??B—Let s talk ? ?o ? ?A—Let s do …? ?? ??? a 让生通?? 新语言减轻与2 另外A Let s spell B—Read and write字母例—Let's have a break.让我们休息一下吧。It's time for the class. Let's go to the classroom.上课的时间到了,我们进教室吧。2.由“let”开头的祈使句是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三

let’s句型及其回答Let's talk about healthy lifestyle! 1. Let's start with the basics, what are some simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle? - Well, you can Let's 和Let us 其否定可在后面直接加not,或用Don't let …例句:Let us not sign the contract. 我们还是不签约吧。情景会话:Susan , let's go for a drive somewhere th

Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他。Let's not tell her what we did. 咱们干的事可别告诉她。否定副词never+动词原形+其他构成祈使句,用以加强否定含义。Never answer the phone while Let's的句子是征求意见的句子回答就应该用比如OK That's great That sounds good I'd like to but等等只要是回答别人意见的都可以


标签: let加宾格加什么



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