
close to的用法和例句,closet造句

get close to用法 2023-09-25 11:37 454 墨鱼
get close to用法

close to的用法和例句,closet造句

close to的用法和样例:例句This is a close approximation to the truth. 那很接近于事实真相。I guess it may be similar to the Hindu culture. 我猜想,这可能很接近于close to是介词短语。意思是接近于。例句:She is very close to her father.翻译:她和父亲的关系很亲密。close的

o(╯□╰)o 二、Close 的引申用法1. 作动词短语:Close to 表示“接近于”、“与…关系密切”。例句:She is close to her brother. 她与她的兄弟关系密切。2. 作形容词短语close to 用作副词(adv.) close by close on close to close to home close up run sb/sth close close的用法例句1. Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of

n. (Close) (英、法)克洛斯(人名) 例句He wants to bring this unhappy marriage to a close as soon as possible. 他想尽快让这段不快乐的婚姻结束。I closed the window close在句中可用作定语或表语,其后常加介词to。例句:She and Linda became very close. 她和琳达变得很亲密。He came close but she drew back. 他一步步靠近,而她却一步步向后

剃,刮,削平cut off close to the skin; remove from any surface shave sth off sth 【篇三】shave的用法例句1. Monks shave their heads, as do devotees ofbe close to意思是:接近于。常用的用法:1.be close to+名词;2.be close to+人称代词(宾格); 3.be close to+动词ing.

例句:1、I'm very much a family man and need to be close to those I love.我是个非常恋家的男人,必须生活在所爱的人身旁。2、For sure, I want to be close tclose的用法和例句1、Guy's house was close to the observatory. 盖伊的房子离天文台很近. 2、Britain formed a close alignment with Egypt in the last century. 英国在上个世


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