
get used to翻译,used to和be used to

be different from翻译 2023-01-16 01:12 643 墨鱼
be different from翻译

get used to翻译,used to和be used to

网络翻译习惯于to是介词的短语很多,常见的有look forward to(盼望), devote to(致力于), be/get used to(习惯于), lead to(导致),引起,get down to(静下心来做), pay atte例如:I get used to your temper.我习惯了你的脾气.You need to get used to the bad weather.你应该习惯于糟糕的天气.get used to 后面接名词或者是动词的IN

get used to翻译get used to翻译英语人气:660 ℃时间:2019-12-01 13:49:10优质解答逐渐习惯于什么事情.例如:I get used to your temper.我习惯了你的脾气.Youget used to的读音为英[ɡet ju:zd tu:] 美[ɡɛt juzd tu]1、You will have to get used to a lot of peop

Get used to "和"be used to "用来谈论对某件事情更加适应的意思例如"Have you got used to the new boss yet? I think she’s OK." "I’ll never get used to calling him Barr逐渐习惯于什么事情。例如:I get used to your temper.我习惯了你的脾气。You need to get used to the bad weather.你应该习惯于糟糕的天气。get used to 后面

get used to习惯于英[[]] 美[[ɡetjuːzdtu]] 习惯于…双语例句1. You have to get used to the fact. 你们得习惯这个事实2You quickly get used to using the brakes《汉英大词典》11 She grows upon you when you get used to her. 等你跟她相处惯了,你就会喜欢她。百度翻译例句库12 A man can get used to anything in the course of t

≡(▔﹏▔)≡ 沪江词库精选get used to是什么意思、英语单词推荐、get used to的用法、get used to是什么意思、翻译get used to是什么意思(完满版)英语四六级英语翻译常用词组汇总be used as 被⋯用做⋯ be used to ⋯ 于⋯ get used to ⋯ 于⋯ all of a sudden 突然all the time 素来,始as a rule 平常,


标签: used to和be used to



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