
disagree with somebody,fill with

disagree to do 2023-12-21 19:46 433 墨鱼
disagree to do

disagree with somebody,fill with

deal with sb───与某人交易;对付某人identify with sb───认同某人;同情某人argue with sb───跟某人辩论disagree with sb───不同意某人的观点;不适合某人;不适一、意思不同1.disagree with意思:不同意,不一致,不适合。2.disagree on意思:众议纷纭。二、用法不同1.disagr

disagree on somethingThe two reports disagree on the number of people who will be affected by this change. disagree with somethingClinical diagnoses have frequentdisagree v.[I] 1.不同意,持不同意见,有分歧2.不符,不一致SB abbr. (= Sales Book) 售货簿sb abbr. 1. (= Sales Book) 售货簿2. (= somebody) 某人,某个人3. 恶意侮辱性词语,意思是很傻很

7. (1) agree with sb. 同意某人(2) agree to do sth 同意做某事(3) 反义词:disagree v. 不同意8. (1) sick+ n.生病的……a sick man 一个生病的男人) (2) be sick /ill = fal6.verybigandcrowded非常大而拥挤起来象人类7.predictionaboutthefuture关于未来的预测26.disagreewithsomebody不同意某人的意见8.abookaboutfuture一本关于

网络不同意;不同意某人;不同意某人的观点网络释义disagree with sb 读音汉语翻译不适合,对有害,不同意0 纠错


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