

产品促销会的标语 2023-08-28 13:24 177 墨鱼


29、有品质才有市场,有改善才有进步。High quality creates business, prograss is from improvement. 30、来料检验按标准,产品质量有保证。Check the raw material seriously ac外国企业的英文宣传广告词分享1 1. Let moral lead the world; Share the treasure with everyone! 2. Virtue is the treasure together。3. More moral,more

Pursue energy-saving fashion and embrace low-carbon life. 节约能源,人人有责。It is everyone’s duty to save energy. 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。A happy l1、50条经典中英文对照质量宣传标语1、百年大计,质量第一。Long-term program, quality first.2、今日质量,明日市场。Today squality, tomorrow, smarket.3、同心协力,提高品质。To

——英文广告标语100条(英文广告标语海报) 1.走向新里程!——字牌鞋2.运动之美,世界共享。——李宁3.无所不包!——饺子铺广告4.Thebeautyofsports,theworl篇9:经典品牌的英文广告标语1. carsberg(嘉士伯):probably the best beer in the world可能是世界上最好的啤酒——有实力所以有魅力。2. mcdonald's(麦当劳):every time a good ti

1.关于英文的口号标语摘抄1、hang in there 坚持住2、never give up 永不放弃3、Chin up! Only two exams left. 4、chin up 别灰心,别气馁5、chin up! onl19. No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的`小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。IBM公司) 20. Live well, snack well.美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。斯耐克威尔士饼干)

英文广告标语大全1、清凉舒爽,全家共享。——六神沐浴露Cool and comfortable, the whole family to share. 2、让你旺一下。——旺旺广告Make you flourish英文宣传标语1 1、我选择,我喜欢,我环保,我健康。I choose, I love, my protection, my health. 2、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。Use our hands to protect our earth. 3


标签: 关于英语的宣传语



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