

emit造句简单 2023-11-01 16:34 905 墨鱼


●▂● 1. This was indeed the most memorable day of my life. 这确是我一生中最难忘的日子。2. The film was memorable for the fine acting of the two main characters. 这部令人印象深刻的轶事与事实(Memorable anecdotes and facts) 小红书博主@法拉学姐是这样做小红书定位的:她把兴趣、能力、资质背景、市场需求、变现能力这几个维度做了一张表格,每项技

impression造句。1. His book left a deep impression on me. 他的书给我留下了深刻的印象。2. She made a good impression on the interviewers. 她给面试官留下了良好的Today is anothermemorableday for me. 又是一个值得我记忆的日子。Memorablereveling in the great bliss. 忘情的陶醉在巨大的幸福之中。Bright, dolorous, sonsy andmemo

1.This was amemorableoccasion in my life . 这是我一生中值得纪念的时刻。2.My relations with tigler werememorable. 我和蒂格勒的关系是令人难以忘怀的。3.It is amemoThis memorable song is what we heard in our first concert together. 这首令人难忘的歌是我们第一次一起听音乐会时听到的。The time I spent with him was the most memo

╯^╰ 英['mem(ə)rəb(ə)l] adj.值得纪念的;难忘的网络值得记忆的;值得回忆的;令人难忘的搭配同义词反义词adj.+n. memorable experience,memorable occasion,memorable day,8. The team’s victory in the championship was a memorable event for all the fans. 球队在冠军赛中的胜利对所有球迷来说都是一个难忘的事件。9. The music festival fe


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