
by mistake造句,bysthforsb造句

never mind造句 2023-09-29 20:23 109 墨鱼
never mind造句

by mistake造句,bysthforsb造句

by mistake造句复制1、I was aiming at the tree but hit the carby mistake.(我对准树射击,不料误中了汽车。2、Someone took my hatby mistake.(有人错拿了我的帽子。h17、He was loath to admit hismistake. 18、In hindsight that was a hugemistake. 19、You are making a bigmistake. 20、German civil law's theory ofmist

≥﹏≤ by mistake造句1. I accidentally sent the wrong email to my boss by mistake, and now I'm worried about the consequences. 2. I grabbed the wrong suitcase at the aiby mistake 美英na.因错误网络错误地;错误的;错拿某物同义词反义词adv. accidentally,mistakenly,inadvertently,wrongly,incorrectly 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 因错

>ω< by mistake 错误地;由于差错:I took your umbrella by mistake.我错把你的雨伞拿走了.I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.我错拿了你的包,还以为是我的那.accordingby mistake英语造句,1、This damage is caused by mistake at time of assemble engine.故障是由组装发动机时出现的错误而引起的。2、Fishermen catcha

I took your umbrella by mistake.我错把你的雨伞拿走了。I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.我错拿了你的包,还以为是我的那。according to 根据,按照by mistake造句1. I accidentally sent the wrong email to my boss by mistake, and now I'm worried about the consequences. 2. I grabbed the wrong suitcase at the ai


标签: bysthforsb造句



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