

Swallow造句 2023-09-30 20:58 283 墨鱼


mouth英语造句,1、Something held in the mouth and chewed, especially a plug of tobacco咀嚼物含在嘴里咀嚼的东西,尤指一块烟草2、Foods sucthe mouth of a cave/pit 山洞/ 矿井口来自牛津词典9. He has a foul mouth on him! 他满嘴脏话!来自牛津词典10. Watch your mouth! (= stop saying things that are rud

1、He does have a verysmall mouth. 2、She has a small nose and asmall mouth. 3、She has big black eyes and asmall mouth. 4、My mother has asmall mou单词trash mouth 释义单词释义:垃圾嘴[更多..] 单词造句

ˇ^ˇ mouth造句如下:1、My mouth felt completely dry.我感到口干舌燥。2、I clapped a hand over her mouth.我猛地用一mouthlike的造句和例句:1. This sweetly scented lip, known as the peristome, forms the mouthlike entrance to the pitcher. 2. As we carefully walked among the coral

1、Mouth,mouth, touch yourmouth. 2、Point at yourmouth,mouth,mouth,mouth. 3、Mouth drooling with greed;mouthwatering 4、Greedymouthdropping saliva 51、Bad-mouth v. 诽谤,说坏话例句:Divorced parents shouldn't bad-mouth each other in front of the kids. 离异的父母不应该在孩子们面前说彼此的坏话。2、leave a bad taste

单词Mouth 例句大全,用单词Mouth造句:He was so angry he was almost frothing at themouth. 他气得差点儿口吐白沫。Now themouthof a person alone. 现在得人就凭一张嘴。mouth造句1.She opened her mouth and said "I'm so sorry". 2.He had a big mouth, always gossiping to others. 3.He opened his mouth and yawned loudly. 4.She put her


标签: mouth的英语



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