
fight on造句,end up as造句简单

be interested in造句 2023-12-25 11:27 499 墨鱼
be interested in造句

fight on造句,end up as造句简单

fight on造句1、troops trained tofight onhorseback. 2、Despite preferring tofight onhorseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted tofight2. We must fight on until the end. 我们必须战斗到底. 3. We shall fight on the beaches. 我们将在海滩作战. 4. They have already declared their intention to fight on

3、Don't let them bully you.fightback!(别让他们欺侮你。要还击! 4、Police were called in to break up thefight.(有人叫来了警察制止打斗。5、Their attitude only stFightbacterium,fightlichenous etc. 抗菌,抗青苔等。Justfightyourfight, like Hitler did. 象希特勒那样打你自己的仗。Come on! Ifightyou, Ifighteverybody. 来呀,我扁

fight on 英美v.继续战斗fight on的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.) Though he was wounded, he went on fighting. 他虽受了伤,但仍继续战斗。Keep on figWe shall fight on the beaches.───我们将在海滩作战. Infantry means , by definition , soldiers who fight on foot.───步兵,顾名思义,是指靠步行作战的战士. She di

22、What's more I'm determined tocall onmore school nates to fight against waste. 23、Also, mothers maycall ontheir children more often than fathersfight with the glove on 斯文地争辩[战斗] fire fight 交火;枪战相似单词fight v.[I] 1. 打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗2. 争吵(+over/about) v.[T] 1. 与作战;与斗争2. 打(仗);进行(战斗,决斗


标签: end up as造句简单



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