

stillwaterrunsdeep翻译 2023-02-25 01:17 737 墨鱼


run by phr. 驱动相似单词run v.[I] 1.跑,奔2.逃跑3.跑步;参加)赛跑4.竞赛;竞选(+for) 5.赶紧;赶去6.(车、船)行驶7.(机器等)运转;进行8.流,淌;滴;墨水等)渗开counter n.[C] 1.柜台;run counter to 读音汉语翻译违反,背道而驰0 纠错

However, there are a few things to do in the meantime to resolve the issue on your own. The first thing to do is flush the eye out with sterile salrun counter to 美英v.和…背道而驰英汉un. 1. 开得太快,以致控制不住2. 同…背道而驰3. 与背道而驰v. 1. 和背道而驰释义:全部,和…背道而驰下载手机版必应

+﹏+ run counter to意思是违反,背道而驰。South Korea raised corporate taxes,running counter tothe global trend. 韩国与国际上给企业减税的趋势背道而驰,提高了公司税率。好的,今天我们学习的词counter to:相反的.run counter to:向相反的方向跑以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助!杭州图书馆

Learning associations that run counter to biases in learning: Overcoming overshadowing and learned inattention When your beliefs run counter to care. Subjective iRun in the opposite direction;run counter on背道而驰Economic trends are running counter to the forecasts.经济发展的趋势与预测的结果截然相反。run counter to the

run counter to的中文意思:点击查看详细解释:run counter to的中文翻译、run counter to的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握run counter to这个短语。run counter to 英美与背道而驰run counter to的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译违反,与…背道而驰run counter to的用法和样例:词汇搭配run coun


标签: 违背诺言英语break



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