
carries away

carries off 2023-11-18 22:28 198 墨鱼
carries off

carries away

carry away基本解释拿走;带走;使激动;使着迷网络释义1. 拿走,使入迷2. 使入迷,冲走3. 冲掉,冲走4. 兴奋5. 搬走6. 运走7. 冲走8. 使失去自制力9. 卷走10. 使激73.A.sends in B.puts out C.stands for D.carries away 本段中围绕online ordering这一话题出现了一系列的动词词组链,即begins with a catalog of possible items,72 an item,arra

2. 使…失去自制力Mr. & Mrs. Smith 史密斯夫妇overreact: 反应过头carried away:使……失去自制力pull over: 靠边停车icoolen|基于21个网页3. 冲昏NND Where there are no trees the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. 那里没有树雨点落在表

{The woman carries a basket but it does not contain any food. The gentleman stabs the sheep but no blood comes out. There is nothing to be gained here.} \ichingSt立即下载专辑全部Dying on the Inside 2023-09-29 Deep End 2023-06-30 Take Me Higher 2023-03-24 Breaking Through 2022-12-23 Arcane 2022-10-28 MV 全部

carried away发音意思翻译带走;非常激动;使…失去自制力带走;非常激动;使…失去自制力相似词语短语carries away───运走;使失去自制力carted away───被车运The hand of an unseen person grabs him and carries him away. Then cut to Ross and Rachel on the street outside.] Ross: Marcel? Rachel: Marcel? Ross:

≥^≤ away ad. 1.远处,离开2.去别处;朝另一个方向3.不在;离开4.(用于动词后)持续地,劲头十足地5.直到完全消失6.在客场man carried 便携的that away adv. 朝那个方向,按指示die away a. 消网络释义1. 被征服的什么意思_英语carried d carried away 带走carried-away被征服的carried him away 她们让他情迷得不能自已dict.youdao|基于1 个网页


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