

in the beginning造句 2023-12-27 15:00 298 墨鱼
in the beginning造句


1. at last:这个词组的意思是“最后;终于”。是一个很常见的词组。例句1:At last Tom had his own house.汤姆终于有了自己的房子。例句2:At last we could relax and talk wi14、Perhaps my day is dawningat last. 15、He has found contentmentat last. 16、The monkey business at the campus wasat lastcalm. 17、He compromiseda

●▂● last, Harper deigned to speak.───哈珀终于降低身价,开口说话了。At last the traffic fell silent.───车辆的喧嚣终于消逝了。They reached port at last.───他Better laughat lastthan at first. 宁笑在最后,不笑在第一。Acquired a great achievementat last. 终于取得了丰硕成果。The shipat lasttouched at New York. 这艘船最后

at last 高中英[æt lɑ:st] 美[æt læst] 释义终于;最终点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部Dart, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxe"At last" 是一个短语,意为最后,终于,终归,终究。例句After searching for hours, we found the missing key at last. (在搜寻了几个小时后,我们终于找到了失踪的钥匙。A

╯^╰〉 2. At last, I finished my homework and can relax now. - 终于,我完成了作业,现在可以放松了。3. The wedding ceremony was delayed, but at last the bride walked down 1. as the end result of a succession or process; 相似"ultimately he had to give in"; "at long last the winter was over" 看、听、说- First or last?- First. - 姓



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