
all kind of造句简单,bring out 造句

put on造句简单 2024-01-07 21:00 106 墨鱼
put on造句简单

all kind of造句简单,bring out 造句

造句大全关联词造句复制1、There wereall kinds ofthoughts running through my mind.(各种念头在我脑海中闪过。2、She lovedall kinds ofdresses.(她喜欢各种各样的连衣裙。3、Playall ki17、The world is interlinked,all kinds ofreasoning come to each other,all kinds ofrules follow the example building. 18、Living in this world, like d

1..There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind.各种念头在我脑海中闪过。2.She enjoys all kinds of music, as I do.她和我一样什么音乐都。all kinds of 造句1、I eat all kinds of food, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, grains, and snacks. 2、I enjoy all kinds of sports, such as basketball, socc

˙﹏˙ The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants to that of design showcase for the modem family tells the story of a century of s27、He's an all rightkind ofguy really.(其实他这个人还可以。28、That made me feelkind ofstupid.(那使我感到有点儿愚蠢。29、He felt akind ofhappiness mingled wi

32、I have all kinds of books 我有各种各样的书kind of:a.一种(有几分,稍稍)例句与用法:1.An apple is a kind of fruit.苹果是一种水果.2.Borax is a kind of white powder.硼砂是一种白色粉末.3.This is a


标签: bring out 造句



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