
respond to,inform的固定搭配

refer to 2023-02-13 06:42 201 墨鱼
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respond to,inform的固定搭配

╯▂╰ Respond to challenges with strong leadership. Stephanie describes with admiration how the credit union’s leaders went into people-first problem-solrespond in damages 赔偿损失respond pesticide 承担农药责任respond to sth 回答,响应,对作出反应,因而好转,对有良好反应respond opportunity 可

respond to翻译

121. respond to回应用法:respond to多用于对情况的回应或反应,与reply to区别是replyto一般用于书信回复中。例句:How did the woman’s students respond torespond 可以引出直接引语。扩展资料respond 主要用于“良好的”反应,如用于“不好的”反应,则句中须加表示否定意义的'词。例句是:She is responding well to treatment

respond to offer

26、Lang did notrespond torequests for comment. 27、This makes it harder to predict how other people wouldrespond tothe remedy or how the same peoplrespond to基本解释对…作出反应[回答];对…有某种反应[感觉,表现];顺从,服从;响应网络释义1. 答复2. 应对3. 反映4. 回答5. 回应,反应respond to的用法和例句提示:

respond to和respond with

(=`′=) 1、意思不同respond to是一个固定的搭配、词组。意思是回应,响应等。例句:The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.回应谩骂性电子邮件的最好办法How does Russia respond to a new NATO nation on its border? Finland said this week it wants in to the North Atlantic Alliance. NATO nations are like


标签: inform的固定搭配



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