

habit的同义词 2023-12-29 13:22 272 墨鱼


同义词:restfulreposeful 学习怎么用词组短语relax oneself放松自己;放松某人自己双语例句用作形容词(adj.) It's relaxing to listen to music after a day's work. 一天同义词:relax,loosen become less severe or strict 同义词:relax,loosen make less active or fast 同义词:slack,slacken,slack up,relax 形容词relaxing: affording or ma

动词过去式:relaxed 过去分词:relaxed 现在分词:relaxing 第三人称单数:relaxes 形容词:relaxable 英语解释:动词relax: become less tense, rest, or take one's ease 同义holiday的同义词例句:1. The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars. 牙买加节正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。2. During the fes

(°ο°) 英[rɪ'læksɪŋ] adj.有助于休息的;令人放松的;轻松的v.“relax”的现在分词网络使人放松的;令人轻松的搭配同义词反义词adj.+n. relaxing music 权威英汉双解英汉Blatthaller的中文翻译及用法平坦活塞式薄膜扬声器blatt什么意思及同义词v. 叫;喋喋不休blatherskite是什么意思及反义词n. 听无聊话的人,爱说废话的人blather的中文释义n

quiet的同义词例句:1. Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation. 官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。2. She sighed, the同义词:loosen,relax,loose cause to feel relaxed 同义词:relax,unstrain,unlax,loosen up,unwind,make relaxed become less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and

relaxing的近义词是easy 反义词是tiring更多relaxing例句Cool down after the walkOnce you get back home, you can flop down and relax or try to squeeze a little more productivity out of your pooch. So wh


标签: enjoyable同义词



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