

relative的固定搭配 2023-09-24 20:05 723 墨鱼


He sent his car to the garage for repair.他把汽车送到修车厂修理。I'm afraid this old radio is beyond repair.恐怕这台旧收音机不能修了。查看更多词性常用度分布图repair的固定搭配如下:repair与以下词性连用n.repair a chimney 修理烟囱repair equipment 修理设备repair part

●△● die repair模修;模具维修;冲模修理、repair welding补焊;补焊工艺;焊补;焊修、major repair[工业]大修;大修理;大范围的修复工作;主要修补、recombination repa- This machine needs to be repaired.(这台机器需要修理。)固定搭配有: repair a car(修理汽车)repair a co

fix, mend, repair, patch这组词都有“修理,修复”的意思,其区别是:fix 多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装固定性质的修理。mend 通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特一、常用固定搭配1、with the help of 在……帮助下under the leadership / care of 在……领导/关心下2、be strict with sb 对……人要求严格be strict in sth、对……事要求

>ω< 固定搭配in (good) repair 保养得很好此句省略了good 意与under repair 混淆:正在修理/在修理中keep in good repair 维修;保养延伸词组be out of repair 年久失修be bey3. 零冠词的习惯用法或固定搭配under repair处于维修中lose heart 灰心day and night 整天整夜out of control 失控out of work 失业in danger 处于危险

repair to( v.+prep. ) 用作名词(n.) beyond repair in bad〔poor〕state of) repair in good〔repair〕in repair make repairs out of repair under repair 【篇三】rep包含repair的固定搭配這些詞常常與repair一起使用。點選固定搭配,查看更多示例。automobile repair A majority of automobile repair workshops are independently owned and operated busines


标签: prize的固定搭配



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