
用get out造句,用send to造句

getaway造句 2024-01-04 12:52 164 墨鱼

用get out造句,用send to造句

get out of 意思是逃避,这个意思是逃避某事.造句:1.逃避I couldn't get out of going to that wedding.我不能逃避出席婚礼.2.弃绝He got out of the bad habitget out of造句get out of 造句1、I got out of bed early to get to work on time. 2、I got out of the shower and dried off with a towel. 3、We got out of the car a

We can get out ahead of this thing.可以在病情变化前做出相应的对策When in doubt, stay out or get out.心存疑虑时,观望或者出场。Well,none of us get out of here ali1、She was trampled in the rush toget out.(她在大伙儿往外冲的时候被人踩了。【hao86好工具】2、They probably wanted toget outof the country.(他们很可能想离开

1、Stand out orget out. 2、SHE: Okay,get out. 3、Where did heget out? 4、How did Gattingget out? 5、Let'sget outof here. 6、Our people say to Mubarak用get out造句优质解答I told you to get out of here.He got out of the building immediately.优质答案解析王老师回答题目:2621条看完仍有疑问?有类似问

⊙▂⊙ get-out造句1、They were runing from the police like allget-out. 2、We go to dig in like allget-out. 3、He was funny as allget-outand could talk an get out造句1. 当我看到那只毒蛇向我爬来时,我立刻get out了。2. 我们的团队遇到了一些麻烦,但我们决定勇敢地面对它们,而不是get out。3. 我不喜欢这里的气氛,我需要get o


标签: 用send to造句



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