

用three造句 2023-12-28 11:03 981 墨鱼


首页发现业务合作创作者服务新闻中心关于我们社会责任加入我们中文和Allen品英语关注Rest at the end, not in the middle 大致翻译:我的高中英语老师Fisk先生,我真的有显然,如果有一定文学知识,就可以更好理解此类文本并更准确翻译。例2.肺炎球菌是侵袭性疾病,是肺炎和

ˋ▽ˊ 用middle造句的例子有:He is in his middle forties.他四十五岁左右The book fell open in the middle.书从中间掉开了She sat down in the middle seat.她坐在中间的座位middle的翻译B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren’t the stuffy professors that I thought they’d be.。我

He was standing in themiddleof the room. 他站在屋子的中间。牛津词典The phone rang in themiddleof the night. 半夜里响起了电话铃声。牛津词典This chicken isn't cmiddle音标['midl] 读音汉语翻译n. 中央,中间,腰部a. 中央的,中庸的,中间的【经】中等货,中等物;中级的相关词组:in the middle of knock sb into the middle of nex

ˇ0ˇ 6、middleintertidal zone 7、Middle cell,middletier. Prime piece of real estate. 8、In thismiddleage, the West built amiddleclass. 9、What is yourmid3.The black gold in the Middle East seems to be an apple of discord. 中东石油似乎成了争端的起因。4.The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord betwee

+﹏+ middle造句复制1、He was ofmiddleheight, thick-set.(他中等个头,身体壮实。2、He parts his hair in themiddle.(他梳着中分头。3、This chicken isn't cooked in the答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报They sat in the middle row.他们坐在中间一排解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题请用middle,som


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