

并列复合句的基本结构 2023-12-30 19:32 353 墨鱼


英语复合句:1、What he wants to tell us is not clear. 他要跟我们说些什么,还不明白。2、Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question. 月球上面有没有灵魂是个趣味的问题。The flowers were beautiful, and they also smelled nice. He is short, but he is also very strong. She is ambitious, yet she is also very humble. 以上

˙△˙ 例句:Lily went for a trip yesterday,and she felt very happy.Not only Jack likes singing,but also Johnson li1、I ask him when we'll go to the zoo,but he doesn't know.2、Hurry up,or you'll miss the film that is very interesting.3、The man who is standing un

5、复句类型如下:并列复句:并列复合句是分句之间呈现并列关系的一种复合句。递进复句:递进复句由两个或两个以上的分句相连,后面分句所表示的意思比前面分句更进一层。6# 并列复杂句:No one knew that I read a book I borrowed from the library when everybody was

下面是一些典型的并列复合句例句,我们可以从中了解到这种句型的使用方法及其语义功能。1. I like playing football, but my brother prefers basketball. 这个例句使用了连篇1:高中英语语法主从复合句重点内容如下:①when,while,as引导的时间状语从句▲as表示“当……的时候”,往往和when/ while通用,但它着重强调主句与从句的动作或事情同时或几乎

?▽? 并列句是由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句构成.两个简单句常由并列连接词连在一起;但有时不用连接词,只在两个简单句之间用一逗号或分号.常见的并列句:(1表示并举并列的复句有时不使用关联词语。例如:1五彩缤纷的田野,白云飘浮的蓝天。2夕阳开始鸣金收兵了,演员们也开始有秩序退场。对照并列对照并列表示两种情况或两件事情


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