
用from then on造句,then on 后面接的语态

from造句 2023-09-30 15:56 412 墨鱼

用from then on造句,then on 后面接的语态

1 I will be waiting for you in the park then. 到那时候我会在公园等你。1.from then on 时态用法from then on在句中作时间状语,一般跟过去时态连用,同义词组有from now。2.from then on 时态用法3例句:From then on, the “Mona Lisa”came t

类型英语造句1、Itwill largely determine how you read the bookfrom then on.(它能很大程度上决定,从此刻起,你将会如何阅读这本书。2、from then on, I worked even hardfrom then on造句1. From then on she knew she would win.她从那时起就知道自己会得胜。2. From then on all the villagers talked about"our Doctor Mei".从那

造句:I was slightly taken aback at the girl who took the opposite line. 我有点被那个不走寻常路的女孩吓到了。原句3: From then on, every afternoon, as soon as her moth1、His career blossomedfrom then on. 2、Sofrom then onPsyche began her new life. 3、I 'll be fully occupiedfrom then on. 4、We become companion in

from then on英语造句,1、From then on the whole tone of the campaign began to degenerate.从那时起,整个活动的基调开始变质。2、From then on he1 from then on 从那时起2 用法:from then on在句中作时间状语,一般跟过去时态连用,同义词组有from now。3 例句:From then on, the “Mona Lisa”came to represent Western

百度试题结果1 题目用from then on造句,用from then on(从那时起)造句,相关知识点:试题来源:解析He has never gone back home from then on 反馈收藏From then on 不死之身55995 came back to life again.从那时起,不死之身55995 又活过来了.


标签: then on 后面接的语态



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