

fray造句 2023-12-19 11:17 354 墨鱼


单词piggy 例句大全,用单词piggy造句:piggybacksystem 集装箱装法Look,Piggyis coming! 瞧,小猪过来了!Hello.Piggyand Doggie. 你们好,小猪和小狗。Let me check mypiggyThe little piggy who went to market. 那头小猪去了市场。I have many variety of beautiful stationery and toys, among which my favorite is the "pig" piggy bank had

权威造句1. They give each otherpiggy-back rides. 他们轮换驮着对方。来自柯林斯例句2. Lotus"piggyeyes immediately widened. " Who said that?"she demanded angrily. 荷花的那对细眼睛立1.鹅妈妈童谣比较全也比较经典,算是入门款。作为英国国宝级的儿歌集,它汇集了所有英文世界中的经典

●▂● pig的意思是“猪,大吃特吃”,其造句如下:1、The pig rose squealing and bolted 那头猪突然嗷嗷叫着狂奔起来。2piggy chops的造句和例句:1. Chopra is particularly known in the Indian media and film industry for her professionalism and is often referred to as " Piggy Chops "

+▽+ piggy bank的造句和例句:1. You haven ' t got a key to the piggy bank after all你最终还是没拿到皇家金库的钥匙。。。2. As if it was some little kiddie ' s piggy bThe little piggy who went to market . 那头小猪去了市场. One day , she found the piggy in , of all places , the refrigerator . 一天,她找编了任何角落,终于发现小猪在冰箱里。

wee造句1、This little piggy criedwee-weeall the way home. 2、The guy says, "Did these little piggies sayweeweeweeall the way home?" 3、Do you need piggyback entry造句piggyback rights造句piggyback system造句piggyback control造句piggyback traffic造句piggyback twistor造句piggyback hardware造句piggy in the middl


标签: piggy基本解释



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