

beef造句子 2024-01-07 10:05 837 墨鱼


ˇ▂ˇ chicken造句如下:1、The priest sacrificed a chicken.牧师献祭了一只鸡。2、The chicken was only half cooked.鸡只煮了半熟。3、Andrew began to carve the chi30、hind legs of frogs used as food; resemblechickenand cooked aschicken.

You said Wu Yifan likes chicken. Do you like his answer? Yes, you are right! What about Grandpa?Does he like chicken? Yes, he is. Excellent! Everybody, look at the food8、chickenpicked about the field.(鸡在田地到处啄食。9、I lovechickenwings so much.(我真的很喜欢吃鸡翅。10、Thechickenwas only half cooked.(鸡只煮了半熟。11

1、Chicken is one of the most versatile, healthy and easy to cook meats available.(鸡肉是烹调方式最多样、最健康也是最容易做的肉类之一。2、I have to clean the chChicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿Robot Chicken 机器鸡Wenchang Chicken 文昌鸡Tandoori chicken 印度烤鸡造句:1.We need some meat, chicken and fish. 我们需要一些肉,鸡肉和鱼。

1.chicken, French fries, dumplings鸡肉,薯条,饺子……2.Chicken is more delicate than beef.鸡肉比牛肉味道美。3.Thanks. I'll get you some turkey. Would you likeI prefer the taste ofchickento that of other kinds of fowl. 我比较喜欢吃鸡而较不喜欢其他种类的家禽。He trussed thechicken's feet up. 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。T

单词chicken 例句大全,用单词chicken造句:Piquant Apple with Pear and GrilledChickenBreast Salad. 美味蘋果香梨配烤雞胸沙律The two plans are Kentucky FriedChickendichicken造句如下:1、I'm scared of the dark. I'm a big chicken. 我怕黑,是个十足的胆小鬼。2、The chicken young man dared not stay in the room alone. 这个胆小的年轻


标签: beef造句简单一点四年级



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