

wrapped造句 2023-12-11 12:47 853 墨鱼


spinning 常考释义n. 纺纱单词详解英汉双解n. 纺纱;纺线;纺纱收起简明例句This was before the industrial revolution and so without all thatspinningthere would have bespinning造句31、Ifspinningis so difficult, you will be too frustrated. 32、Recently, new indexes ofspinningyarn quality have been suggested, for ex

Spinningmachine is an important equipment of nitrilon plant. 纺丝机是腈纶装置的重要设备。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 6. The operation method is also important tospinn3. They do their own cooking,spinning, and woodworking. 他们自己做饭,纺线,做木工活。来自柯林斯例句4. My head wasspinningfrom the wine. 我喝了葡萄酒后晕乎乎的。

8、Breakspinningand open-endspinningare synonymous. 9、It's likespinningTarzan jujitsu! 10、She startedspinningoff examples. 11、gyrospinningand unlspinning top抽陀螺spinning mill纺织厂spinning around徘徊;天旋地转;旋转起舞spinning dope纺丝液electrostatic spinning静电纺丝;静电纺纱spinning jenny多轴纺织机

The car was spinning merrily along (the road). 汽车(沿路)轻快地奔驰著。The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind. 旋转的标志牌在风中打著旋儿。n.晕头转向;快速)旋转;用洗衣机)甩干;头晕网络动感单车;旋压;纺丝第三人称单数:spins现在分词:spinning过去式:spun 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义spinning n. 1. 纺

+0+ She is unbred to spinning. 她未受纺织之训练。She is skilled at spinning and weaving. 她是纺织能手。Created with Highcharts 3.0.2词性常用度分布图The bicycle was spinning along at a good speed.那辆自行车在高速疾驰。Spinning Ball is a fun arcade game for Symbian.旋转球是一款有意思的街机游戏,适于塞班系统。T


标签: spinning是什么意思中文



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