

dayandnight抖音版 2023-08-23 22:20 576 墨鱼


Lo Air - Day and Night Day and night日日夜夜I toss and turn I keep stressing my mind mind我辗转反侧不停绷紧自己的神经I look for peace but see I don't attain填 词:Hollyn 谱 曲:Hollyn There's only so much you can say 你欲言又止Til' words turn into noise 直至话语转为嘈杂Yeah we go round and round again

ˇ^ˇ Day and night 日日夜夜I toss and turn I keep stressing my mind mind 我辗转反侧不停绷紧自己的神经I look for peace but see I don't attain 我寻找内心专辑:Prom Night 歌手:The Prom Queens Day n nite. I toss and turn, I keep stressin' my mind, mind. I look for peace, but see I don't attain. What I need for keeps

谁知道一首歌,一个外国女歌手唱的英文歌,歌词里有:day and nightOH~ 《Love With Your Life》歌曲原唱:Hollyn填词:Hollyn谱曲:HollynThere's only so mucDay and Night -Lo Air来自冷门小众好听的英文歌00:0004:00 歌词赏析Day and Night -Lo Air (翻译来自:独钓沉鳞) Day and night 白昼与黑夜I toss and turn, I keep stressing my

ever knowing yah let be a little honest wanna love on yah i just want you be my ride and die 那r 米到it'll be ok baby 那几动把米动together we speDay and night 时间在被谁掩埋Day and night它跑的越来越快被掩盖视线会模糊但无法截断我的路我依旧在追看不透成长的路诱惑在面前反复走听一首爱的歌在

Day And Night - Barbara Dickson When I think of you It's like a heart that won't heal Oh baby I wanna tell you how I feel Doin' without you is more than I can bear You got to pick meDay and night 我想飞过海洋飞过月亮飞进你心房在这茫茫人海乘风破浪坚定不移的眼神在凝望梦的浩瀚那卑微那迷茫会教我慢慢的去遗忘Even if just you and I 我想飞


标签: 抖音很火的有sunday的英文歌



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