
用as long as造句子简单,As long as造句

all kinds of造句简单 2023-08-28 13:11 453 墨鱼
all kinds of造句简单

用as long as造句子简单,As long as造句

1、As long as youve offered,I accept.既然你已给我,我就接受。2、You may stay here as long as you like.你高兴在这儿待多久就待多久。3、I know I need to go to the dentistas long as造句复制1、as long asI live, I have enough for me and the child.(只要我能活着,有足够的钱养活我和孩子。2、An apartment, probably,as long asit has two

15、As long as you imagine, you can do it,as long asyou can dream it, you can achieve it. 16、History can be long and long,as long asthe journey of l【导语】以下是小编为大家准备了as long as造句(共3篇),欢迎参阅。篇1:AsLongAs…AsLongAs…As long as you have a firm stand,You will get people’s cheers; As long as you

+﹏+ aslong as造句1、As long as youve offered,I accept.既然你已给我,我就接受。2、You may stay here as long as you like.你高兴在这儿待多久就待多久。3、I know I need用as long as造句子1.as long as I live, I have enough for me and the child.(只要我能活着,有足够的钱养活我和孩子。14.Stay as long as you like.(你愿待

答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报This ruler is as long as that one 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案(2) 相似问题as good as和as long as 只要;和…一样长例句:1.So we can do this directly as long as we have certain types of information.因此,只要知道了一定类型的信息,我们就可以

5、You will be successful as long as you never give up.只要你不放弃,你就会成功。6、As long as the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood.留得青As long as you keep practicing, you will become a better musician. 只要你不断练习,你会成为更好的音乐家。1- 用as long as造句用as long as 造句1. As long as you


标签: As long as造句



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