

a test first 2023-12-21 20:21 758 墨鱼
a test first


≥^≤ test是名词前面杂加介词test可以是名词,可以是动词,作为名词时前面要加冠词the或a,如put to the test(试验)。test用作动词的用法例句By doing so, you can test the strength of steel.这样做,你

trial 英['traɪəl]   美['traɪəl]n. 审讯;试验;试用;尝试;预赛或选拔赛;讨厌的事;美式英语用介词on,do well/badlyon a test;英式英语用介词in,do well/badlyin a test 例A: Hey, how'd your test go? 考试考得怎么样?B: Third highest in the class. 全班第三。

总之,在英语写作过程中正确地使用Exam和test前面的介词能够帮助你有效传达信息、使句子更生动活泼。2:用作动词(v.) test for (v.+prep.) test on (v.+prep.) test out (v.+adv.) test with (v.+prep.) test的用法例句:1. So far 57 have taken the test and all have been neg

≥0≤ 2.in front of 表示在……外部的前面There is a desk in the front of our classroom. There is a big tree in front of our classroom. 八、其它介词的用法前缀con-来自拉丁介词com-,表示"一起,共同" + test【测试】→ 共同测试→ 比赛Mom encouraged me to join a singing contest. 妈妈鼓励我参加一个歌唱比赛。3. Obtest 祈求,反

+▂+ 可以用介词at,例如:1、The people who worked at the test center were very kind though.不过,在考场工作的人都很友善。2、Exam-sitters will have their body temperaturI aced it! 我考的特别好!或者说Crush a test: 考出好成绩Adam 说家里从小教育他要谦虚,所以和他一样喜欢平淡一点的说法,就用:Do well on a test: 考的不错Ace 和crush 后面


标签: exam前的介词in还是on



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