

二人英语对话5分钟搞笑 2023-08-27 10:40 778 墨鱼


两人英语口语对话篇一A: To speak a language, one must know its grammar almost completely, not just its vocabulary or its sounds, not even sets of rules for constructing3.谁能给我提供一个英语面试情景短对话,要有幽默创意的,最好3~5 A: Tell me a little bit about yourself.请介绍一下你自己。B: My name is David and I live in Shanghai, I was

1分钟英语对话范文1 Edward: Thanks, you are so thoughtful. 谢谢,你真是太周到了。Lu Yuan: This is your seat. Some office supplies have been preparedKathy :My goal is to be rich. What about you?凯茜:我的目标就是要有钱。你的目标呢?Bill :I just want to be happy.比尔:我只想要快乐。Kathy :What

but she had one 但是她已经有一双了A. how about a band of flower? 不如一宿香花了B. umm~~ good idea. 嗯~~好主意A. just do it 就这样吧B. let's go 【大学两分钟左右的英语口语对话】杨:Yesterday I got one message from your QQ, it said you wanted to borrow some money. 昨天我收到你的QQ信息,说你想借点钱。李:Really?

英语情景对话两人日常一分钟【一】1 . The price makes my hair stand on end 2 . I ll see to it 3 . 朱迪,你怎么对她那么感兴趣?4 . Better late than nev简单的二人英语小对话1分钟VALERIE: Yes, I'm an accountant. 黛比:奥布赖恩先生,这是吉诺小姐。吉姆:对不起,请再说一遍。黛比:这是吉诺小姐。吉姆:我们见过面。黛比:噢,

1. Waking Someone Up(起床) Ann:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed. 安:嘿,吉姆,醒一醒,该起床啦。Jim:Do I have to get up now? 吉姆:我现在一定得起床吗?An旅游二人情景英语对话篇2 关于结帐的接待员:Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 你好.先生.有事吗?乔治:I'd like to pay my bill now. 我想现在结帐. 二人英语对话


标签: 二人校园英语对话5分钟



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