
spending on,spend的用法及固定搭配

spending time on 2023-12-20 11:39 469 墨鱼
spending time on

spending on,spend的用法及固定搭配

spending开支,花销spend,花钱,花销,ing,动名词后缀。英文词源spending (n.) late Old English, verbal noun fromspend(v.).Spending-moneyis from 1590s. 双语例句1. The government isspend1、on the other hand/ on the contrary on 的几种用法都比较非主流,一个是一些小作文连接上的固定搭配,会用到on。2、spending on 其次,说到小作文一个常见

ˋωˊ Spendingoneducationandhealth care,whicharefreeanduniversal,wouldbecut,hesaid,withoutmuch elaboration. 他表示在教育和医疗上面的开支(这两者全体古巴人免费享受)将会削A lot of money is spent on defense . 国防方面的开支很大。They wo n”t sanction our spending on this scale . 他们不会同意我们这么大的开支。She did not begrudge the money spent on he

1、on the other hand, / on thecontrary, on 的几种用法都比较非主流,一个是一些小作文连接上的固定搭配,会用到on。2、spending on 其次,说到小作文一个常见的概念“花”的时候,spending on housing 英美住房支出spending on housing的用法和样例:例句Consumption figures also exclude spending on residential housing. 消费数据

When the federal government spends money on mandatory and discretionary programs, the U.S. Treasury writes a check to pay the program costs. But there is another cutbacks in publicspending 公共开支的削减《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》The money had been earmarked forspendingon new school buildings. 这笔款项已指定用于新校舍建设。


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