

take的短语归纳大全 2023-12-24 17:06 626 墨鱼


1.an amount of+不可数名词许多2.a flock of(sheep) 一群(羊) 3.a handful of一把,少量的,少数(修饰(不)可数名词) 4.a large(great/ huge)number of大量的,work out 1、锻炼身体;做运动i work out regularly to keep fit.我经常做运动以保持健康。2、成功地发展my first job didn't work out.我的第一份工作干得

work as是担任work at 致力于C work out 计算出D work with 和……一起工作。②Mr Baker is busy these days ___ a new book on how to develop a child's reading skill.A workat work [中考]在工作,忙于out of work [中考]失业work out [中考]算出work on [中考]继续工作work out =come up with [中考]做出,算出,制定出go on wi

work的相关短语句子1 1. dirty work 必须要做的但很无聊或很难的工作;吃力不讨好的工作例句:He did the dirty work on that project. 他在那个项目中做的是吃力不讨好的活儿。2The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统已经坏了。His health broke down under the pressure of work. 在压力之下他身体垮了。Sugar and starch (淀粉) are broken dow

work的短语搭配:work in进入;work on影响、对…起作用、继续工作、设法说服;work for效劳、为…工作、为…效力;work hard努力学习、辛勤工作;work together合作、共事、共同工作。work的常用短语:work among (v.+prep.) work around〔round〕to (v.+adv.+prep.) work as (v.+prep.) work at (v.+prep.) work away (v.+adv.) work by (v.+prep.) work do

作名词:1.表示终点、末梢、尽头.2.表示结束、终止.3.表示死、死亡.4.表示目标、目的.To what end are you doing that work?你做那份工作的目的是什么?扩展资22. be off work 不工作,休息23. be out of work 失业24. be at work 在上班25. keep…away 使离开26. at least 至少27. at most 至多28. be worried/anxious about 为……而


标签: give的短语归纳高中



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