
用agree with造句,in addition to造句简单

用all over造句 2023-09-30 21:18 894 墨鱼
用all over造句

用agree with造句,in addition to造句简单

I don't agree with you on many things 我和你在许多事情上意见不一致Seafood doesn't agree with me 我不适宜吃海鲜第一句的agreeagree with英语造句,1、I agree with you up to a point.我在某种程度上同意你的看法。2、Xavier: I don't think those people you're about to

单词agree with 例句大全,用单词agree with造句:If uagree withme, please love me, abet me and follow me!!! 最近爱上极品飞车这个游戏。喜欢飞车的朋友。一起飚车吧。I ②表示“食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”:The weather doesnot agree with me.这种天气对我不适宜.③表示“与…一

1、Iagree withPrandelli. 2、Iagree withyou. 3、Iagree withyou.; Iagree withyour view [opinion]. 4、I don'tagree withsb. 5、I don'tagree withspankin类型英语造句1、I almostagree with her," Wendy snapped.(“我差点就同意她的看法。”温迪厉声说。2、Iagree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in pr

agree with造句1、I agree with your opinion that we should promote the use of public transportation in the city. We can reduce the number of private cars on the ralways agree with his words.他的言行并非总是一致。I agree with you to some/a certain degree.我在某种程度上同

agree with 造句1.I agree with him that we should pay more attention to protecting the environment. 2.My father agrees with me that we should save more money for 用agree with sb 造句答案I really agree with you. I didn't agree with everything he said. 结果二题目用agree with sb 造句答案I really agree with you.I didn'


标签: in addition to造句简单



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