
it's=it is翻译中文,lt's英语怎么说读

It’s 发音 2023-06-14 23:23 816 墨鱼
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it's=it is翻译中文,lt's英语怎么说读

it's,its的中文翻译是it's= it is 或者it has.表示它是或者它有。例句:It's six oclock now. 现在是六点钟啦。The chair in the room is different. Itit's中文翻译it's中文意思指:它是。it is为常用口语形式。it's英文读音为:【ɪts】。例句:It's the best news I've heard in a long time. 这是我很久以来听到的最好消息。

it在英语翻译为中文时,被译为:它itis=it's有两个意思,举个例子:it is a dog =it's a dog 这时被译为“它是一只小狗”this is it is bone = this is it's boneIt's【缩写】it is, it has that’s【口】that is; that has there'sthere is; there has 's名词後表示所有格;as;is;us等之缩写s复数sn. 1.字母s abbr. 1.school 2.sea 3.see 4.semi- 5.shil

→ 这里的its 为「它的」也就是「这间餐厅的」的意思。it's 用法it's 其实最常见就是代名词it 和be 动词is 的缩写,后面可能接上形容词、名词或动名词等等。举几个例子:It'声明:本网站尊重并保护知识产权,根据《信息网络传播权保护条例》,如果我们转载的作品侵犯了您的权利,请

●0● It's(It is) my dog 它是我的狗It's(It is) very beautiful 它很漂亮it's=it has 通常出现在名词(形容词+名词或者数量词+名词)前,表示:它有或出现在现在完成时中,即:it hais cool───扮酷;装酷双语使用场景It is pretty cool.───是不是很酷。It's limited in its scope but it is pretty cool, and it's definitely a peek into the fut


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