

urge造句 2023-12-26 12:21 683 墨鱼


而文学分析很大部分就是在讨论、分析这些东西。所以,要把英语文学学好,就要有能把一本厚厚的书剥丝抽茧的耐心和能力(就是unpack,unpack再unpack),即发自内心的阅读。从宏观上来说,动词过去式:unpacked过去分词:unpacked现在分词:unpacking第三人称单数:unpacks 英语解释:动词unpack: remove from its packing 同义词:take out 例句:Our bags were packe

I will leave you now so that you can unpack. 我这就走,好让你打开行李. 辞典例句10、Please unpack luggage for inspection. 请打开行李接受检查. 期刊摘选11、It2、He beganto unpackhis briefcase. 3、Carrying the bags upstairs is half the battle. Then we only haveto unpackthem. 4、Use your favorite unzip util

单词unpack 例句大全,用单词unpack造句:Callie,unpackthis box! 来啦,就几分钟而已!I mustunpackbefore dinner. 我得在饭前把行李打开。Unpackas soon as you arrive. 你英英网络释义unpack 显示所有例句v. 1. [t][i] ~ (sth) 打开(箱、包等)取;从(箱、包等中)取出to take things out of a suitcase, bag, etc. 2. [t] ~ sth 分析;剖析to sep

∪△∪ 21、由于tmc2字段的长度固定,unpack命令用于将消息结构解析为一个数组。22、The main scientific party will fly out in about a year's time,unpackthe equi15. First off I had to unpack and put things together. 首先,我不得不打开包装把所有的东西都组装起来。16. unpack 16. I will leave you now so that you can unpack.

unpack ['ʌn'pæk] v.打开取出,卸下例句与用法:Our bags were packed and we were all set to leave when we received new instructions from our Government. Weunpacke1. She helped meunpackmy things and then we went around to see the other girls. 她帮我打开行李,然后我们去看望其他女孩们。来自柯林斯例句2. I will leave you now s


标签: uncrowded造句简单



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