

block造句 2023-08-28 16:40 659 墨鱼


名词teammate: a fellow member of a team 同义词:mate 例句:A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables ateammateto put out a runner. 助杀,助攻teammate造句复制1、If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass

˙^˙ teammate翻译成中文是“同队队员;队友”的意思,以下精心整理了teammate造句的句子,供大家参考。1.I have a teammate. 翻译:我有一个队友。2.Theseare my teammates. 翻译:teammate ['ti:mmeit] n. 队友,同队队员同义词n.mate 参考例子1.Byrd is a better leader and theteammate. 伯德是一名更好的领袖和队友。2.To be honest you never go t

单词teammate 例句大全,用单词teammate造句:You think I'd frame ateammate? 你认为我会陷害一个队友?Was it your coach? Ateammate? No. 是因为教练,还是队员,都不是HistMy teammate and I worked together to complete the project.(我和我的队友一起合作完成了这个项目。It's important to communicate effectively with your teammates.(与

That always had been his tactic . He hoped it could help his korean teammate . 他经常会这样作,他希望能帮到他的韩国队友。As he ran onto the sidelines , the coach and his players were2、For the Children, their bestteammateis a giant robot. 3、Murphy, Sinclair's youngteammate, was fractionally behind him. 4、A runner who intention

10) Why are you always drop out of the esports game when your teammates need you help.If I was your teammate I will hate you and never play games with you. 如果你有好的1)teammate[英]['ti:mme?t][美]['tim'met]队友英文短句/例句1.To transfer(a ball, for example)to a teammate, as by throwing.传球把(球等)传给队友,如把球抛给队友2.Ye


标签: Together造句



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