

critique造句 2023-08-18 22:00 787 墨鱼


1、recruit的例句是:用作动词(v.)We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.我们难以招募到素质好的职员。2、recruit名词:recruiter;过recruit造句如下:He is hoping to recruit a chairman from outside the company.他在希望从公司之外招聘一位董事

recruit造句1. Recruit is a leading recruitment agency that helps companies find the best talent for their open positions. 2. The company is actively recruiting f11.seamanrecruit [美]候补水兵-- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 12.A year ago, she traveled to Africa, where she met with many of the children for whom she

recruit造句复制1、Torecruitis to re-grow the army.(征召新兵就是重新使军力成长的意思。2、The foremost probably was the sheer need for military manpower that ma单词recruit 例句大全,用单词recruit造句:Smith had torecruitseveral new partner colleges to stay afloat. 史密斯不得不招募几所新院校才能顺利经营。This is a nationw

recruiment的造句和例句:1. A major recruitment problem for the legions was that the host provinces often lacked a sufficiently large base of citizens to satisfy tAirman Recruit 招募学生Recruit students 我们需要招聘一名体育老师We need to recruit a PE teacher 招募新成员Recruit new members 现乐队需要招募

recruit英语造句,1、They are discussing who to recruit for the open position.他们在讨论该给那个空缺的职位招聘谁。2、Detailed List RecruitIt's difficult to findrecruitein a sentence. 用recruite造句挺难的


标签: appliance造句



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