

three pounds 2024-01-01 10:20 598 墨鱼
three pounds


()6.Therefive pounds of sugar in the cupboard.A.areB.hasC.isD.have( )7.Therea banana and five apples in the basketball.A.haveB.isC.areD.has( )8. Here isglass. Thestructure of your teeth, which is caused primarily because of bacteria. The juice of the apples has properties that can kill up to 80% of bacteria. S

I want to buy pounds of apples.我想买几盎司苹果。解释:pound是可数名词,这里前面没有加a,那它要加s用复数形式了。pounds of,几盎司的,是个大概的数量。3. three apples 4. two slices of bread 5. a stack of paper 6. two bottles of cola/two colas 7. a piece of steak/a steak 8. two desks 9. three cups o

如果后面的名词是可数名词的复数形式,则需要使用"pounds" 的复数形式,例如:two pounds of apples (两磅苹果)three pounds of potatoes (三磅土豆)使用建议—Good. Two pounds of apples.—Cooking apples? I did say golden delicious. Look, these are for cooking. I wanted some for eating. You know, for

╯0╰ 在英语中,“pound”有两种意思:一种是重量单位,表示“磅”,如“2 pounds of apples”(2磅的苹果);另一种是货币单位,表示“英镑”,如“10 pounds”(10英镑)。这两种意思下,“pound”Twopoundsofapples,please. 请给我秤两磅苹果。1stenglish 6. Bringmesomeapples,please. 请给我拿些苹果来。wenku.baidu 7. I'd likeonekiloofapples,please

15. pound(n)英镑;How much is it? 200 pounds. Thats too expensive. (n)磅Two pounds of apples, please. 16.present (n)礼物I always receive many preseNew York second in the production of apples producing 850 000 000 pounds this year. A . occupied B . ranked C . arranged D . classified


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