
build和buildup区别,build与building 的区别

built与build的区别 2022-12-26 04:04 693 墨鱼

build和buildup区别,build与building 的区别

Build 和put up这2个动词都含有“建造”的意思,区别如下:Build(用坚固的材料)建造,建筑(房屋)其区别是:build是本组词中最常用者,指一般的“建造,建立”,可以表示具体的、特殊的以及比喻的和抽象的意义;The house was built of wood.这栋房子是用木头盖起来的。construct强

1. build up (建立;增强;增加) They worked hard to build up the friendship between the people in two countries. Get plenty of exercise every to build up your health一、build sth up,意为“开发,创建”,例如: He has built up a very meaningful school in his old age. 他晚年建立了一所很有意义的学校。These evidences help the police build

ˇ▂ˇ set up是口语用词,同establish;着重表示开始,草创。如:A new government was set up after the build 和build up 主要是意义和用法不同。build : 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。build up 常做动词,表示增强,介词for后面常接动名词:building up。build u

build: 一般用语,建成,found: 国家或组织的建成pick up, gather up 的区别和用法pick up: 拾起,学到,整理gather up: 收集,概括speed up: 加速work up: 逐步,发展appeaBuild的同義字To build can mean to build a building (Como construir) or build a friendship. "Build up" usually refers to tension or anxiety that is g

Period2Buildupyourvocabulary Task1 Thinkofawordorphrasethatbestfitseachdefinition.Thenfillintheblankswiththecorrectformoftheman:apartofthebodythathasaparticularpurpose,suchasthehbuild/build up-【问】查词典,build和build up都作“建立”、“建设”解,那么build a library与build up a library意义是否一样呢?【答】它们的意义并不相同


标签: build与building 的区别



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