
more than 后面的谓语动词,more…than与其说不如说

more than句型 2023-09-27 22:17 457 墨鱼
more than句型

more than 后面的谓语动词,more…than与其说不如说

more than one指的是单数,由这个短语组成的一个谓语动词的单数形式,如果more than后面是复数的名词,那么谓语动词必须也要用复数才可以。扩展资料more,英语词代词,如果主句谓语动词是do 或其他形式did, doing, have done 等,more than just 后还可以接动词

“more than+可数名词单数”意为“不止一个…”,在语境上虽表示复数概念,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。相同用法还有many a.(许多)More than one girl holds such a view in 这句话是由and连接的并列句,前半句是被动语态结构结构,主语是the role of human selection in evolution,

was formulated是谓语动词,only a little more than a hundred years

ˇ▂ˇ More than one 作主语谓语动词用单数虽不是好的语法,但却是类似于习语的存在,就像我们没必要去较真by and large 表面上的不合理现象,这就是英语语法中存在或more than one + 单数名词),many a + 单数名词作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式.例如:1)More than one student has passed the examination.2)Many a boy learns

˙0˙ 3. more + 复数名词+ than one 作主语时,谓语动词用复数.例如:More boys than one【have read】the story.more than+可数名词单数”,意为“不止一个…”。在语境上虽表示复数概念,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。More than one girl holds such a view in the school. 在这所学校里,不


标签: more…than与其说不如说



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